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Eligible Media Personnel Are:

  • Staff or freelance writers, photographers or videographers representing recognized news organizations
  • Local TV or radio staff
  • Student photographers or videographers authorized by principal and/or sponsoring teacher for class project/activity 
  • Requests must be received three school days prior to the event. Late requests will not be considered. 
  • Galveston ISD reserves the right to refuse admittance to the sideline or courtside to anyone at any athletic event. 


  • All media personnel must always wear their media credentials while on the sidelines or courtside. 
  • Approved credentials are applicable for all home athletic events. 
  • Approved media must remain at least three to five yards from the sideline or court during play, and may not be in team areas, dugouts, or near player benches or coaches boxes at any time. 
  • Number and location of media personnel is subject to change or limitation by Galveston ISD or game officials. 
  • There shall be no interaction with players, coaches or officials before or during play. 
  • Galveston ISD prohibits the sales of photographs and recordings of GISD athletic events without prior approval from the GISD Director of Communications. 
  • Acceptance of the media credentials constitutes an agreement by the individual to abide by all media regulations of Galveston ISD. 
  • Failure to comply with these requirements may result in forfeiture of credentials and access to all Galveston ISD athletic events. 
  • Access to student athletes and coaches for interviews, photos or media needs is at the discretion of the Galveston ISD Athletic Director and/or the head coach, or the Director of Communications and should be arranged prior to the event. 
  • Media personnel may not have access to locker rooms and/or other private player/coach areas. 
  • Media shall comply with requests made by administrators or coaches on duty during any Galveston ISD event. 
  • Never use a tripod while working on the sidelines. Monopods are recommended for larger lenses. 
  • Be cognizant of cables from video/TV cameras, especially the sideline remote videographer. 
  • Never stand directly behind a kneeling or standing photographer. If he/she has to move suddenly to avoid getting hit by players, you may impair their movement.

Media Credential Application

For media credential, please fill out a request at the link below

For Questions please contact;

Galveston ISD Athletic Office

Office: (409) 766-5883

Athletic Director Jerald Temple

Athletic Secretary Maria Rodriguez